Non-Invasive Body Contouring Treatments
Dr. Glenn DeBias and the professional staff at The Institute offer state-of-the-art, non-invasive body contouring treatments to help permanently remove stubborn areas of fat – Safe with No Downtime. Their treatment center is in Doylestown, PA, serving patients of Bucks and Montgomery Counties, and the Philadelphia region.
If you are a new patient, Dr. DeBias would be happy to sit down with you for a consult to discuss the best plan to help you reach your goals while setting realistic expectations.
You can also explore your options below to get a better feel for the treatments that may interest you:
Vanquish ME RF Non-Invasive Fat Removal (No Downtime)
Exilis Ultra RF Body Contouring (No Downtime)
What is non-invasive body contouring?
Vanquish ME (via radio frequency) elevates the temperature of fat on a desired treatment area for a sustained period of time resulting in fat cell destruction. Ultimately, this leads to a more contoured appearance of the treatment area.
The most popular areas for body contouring include abdomen, flanks, inner/outer thighs, and lower back.
Dr. DeBias and his practice have extensive knowledge and experience using proprietary protocols for fat reduction. They have performed over 1,400 of these procedures to date with greater than 90% satisfaction.
Who is a good candidate for body contouring?
Almost everyone has stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet or exercise. Patients of all ages and demographics have sought out these treatments to deal with their trouble spots. Newer, more advanced technology has allowed more flexibility with who can safely be treated.
Dr. DeBias will go over your background and goals to determine if you are a desirable candidate.
*This is not a substitute for diet or exercise.
What areas can it treat?
At The Institute, we can treat the abdomen, thighs, flanks, arms, and lower back.
What procedures are offered for non-invasive body contouring?
The Institute offers Vanquish ME and Exilis Ultra (body).
Vanquish ME is a safe non-invasive radio frequency technology that also requires no downtime and results in permanent fat removal. Newer heating techniques have been proven to have many advantages over freezing for permanent fat cell destruction.
Exilis Ultra (body) is a radio frequency/ultrasound treatment using a hand piece to target smaller areas of fat.
What is the cost of body contouring treatments?
The cost can vary from $685 (Exilis Body) for a small area/one-time treatment up to $1,585 (Vanquish ME) for a large area. The cost will depend on the treatment plan that you will discuss with Dr. DeBias during your consultation. The price is less expensive than the alternative CoolSculpting freezing treatment.
Is there recovery or downtime?
No recovery or downtime is needed for the body contouring procedures offered at The Institute. You can come in for your treatment, then leave and go about your normal day as usual.
What are results of non-invasive body contouring?
The goal is to have a reduced appearance of fat deposits while improving how your clothes fit.
Individual results can vary.
Dr. DeBias will provide you with realistic expectations based on decades of experience with fat removal treatments.